Thursday, April 29, 2010

Global Wildlife

Another cool attraction near Nonnie and Papa's is Global Wildlife, a preserve with hundreds of various animals who really, really like corn. I'm sure that's not what their website boasts, but it was pretty awesome to head out on our own ATV and feed these fairly friendly beasts straight from our hands.

Allyson, with Rhys, Emma and Declan joined us along with Aunt Jaimee and Nonnie. Here we are in front of our ATV.

Jaimee is feeding Sally, the very stinky camel, while I mentally go to a much safer time and place -- before I ever let my nine month old near a camel.

While most of the animals were seemingly more exotic, there were cattle on the preserve, who liked to lob their ginormous tongues to one side to better allow entry of the corn.

Apparently, Food Inc. had very little impact on Nick, who readily contributed to the corn-fed beef.

Emma's checking out her food stocks, while Nick cozies up with a llama.

The giraffes bypassed the cup feedings and went straight to the bucket at our feet, just because they could.

Nola definitely dug this outing.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oak Alley Plantation

Not too far from Nonnie and Papa's house, rolls the Mississippi River and the haunting remains of antebellum life. One of the most visually spectacular examples of this is the Oak Alley Plantation. The oak trees that line the entryway to the home are over 300 years old, while the house itself is about 200 years old.

Nola, Nick and I toured the house with our niece, Emma, while Nonnie and, Emma's little brother, Rhys, stayed outside during the tour -- one of their jobs was to wreak havoc on the premises, while the other's job was to document said havoc-wreaking for posterity's sake. The photo to the right should reveal who had which job between Nonnie and Rhys.

How genteel!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jazz Fest, Day One

We went to Jazz Fest last weekend, and got caught up in a parade of Mardi Gras Indians en route to their stage performance. It was pretty cool, and definitely an experience you could only find in New Orleans.

Still not sure which I like more, getting caught in the parade -- or Nola's reaction to the whole thing.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Nola in NOLA

Nick, Nola and I have been in Louisiana, visiting Nola's Nonnie, Papa, Aunties, Uncle and cousins. We've been exploring her Southern roots, by going to various locations around New Orleans. Our first day, involved Nola's introduction to the French Quarter.

Nola and Nick think Andrew Jackson's statue is pretty cool. Here they are inside Jackson Square, with the St. Louis Cathedral in the background.

Nola thought the mules from the mule-drawn carriages were pretty awesome. Nick thought so as well.

Our first visit to Bourbon Street, its "Huge A$$ Beers..."

... and its colorful residents.

What's a trip to the French Quarter without a final stop at Cafe DuMonde?

And, of course, no trip is complete unless you leave with beads!
Oh no, wait a minute....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, Nick

Nick turned 32 on Monday, and to begin the day, he was sent off to work with a cupcake message reading, "Happy Birthday, Nick." As the cupcakes dwindled, Nick rearranged his message to read, "Party Dickn," which I think is supposed to be a thinly veiled vulgarity, but I was proud of my wordsmithing hubby just the same.

Happy Birthday, Party Dickn!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April Showers

Our theme for the month of April turned out to be spot on. It's hard to tell what the theme was exactly, at least from the pictures here, but we wanted it to be "April Showers."

Monday, April 12, 2010

Isn't She Lovely?

Nola's latest oh-so-adorable move is the Stevie Wonder. Check it out.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Rub a Dub, Dub

Nate Frazier, Nola's best buddy, drug his mommy and daddy over to our house for a playdate with Nola. It was getting late, and bedtime was near, so we thought it best to get the babies ready for bed. Here are Nate and Nola getting their bath right before bedtime.