Saturday, May 28, 2011

Elmo's Healthy Heroes

We've been busy, and hate to play blog catch-up, but wanted to document the utter coolness of Elmo. We saw him and his "Healthy Heroes" when they came through Thousand Oaks at the end of May, and have been using his "healthy tips" (i.e., "Eating your colors", "Taking your naps") as parenting bribery every since.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just a pose to juxtapose

Nola, around 6 months old....

...and Payton, nearly 5 months.
I guess it's obvious that a big challenge for me at this stage of mommyhood is to look at each girl as thoroughly and wonderfully unique (with the exception of the maternally inherited chunky-thigh-gene.)

Their Nonnie took these pictures (yes, for anyone keeping track, she's been in California more than Louisiana since right before Payton showed up on the scene), and I asked her to retake some of the pictures I tried out earlier with the girls.

I swear that they wear clothes most of the time.
But they do look so cute without them!