Friday, June 28, 2013

Wood Transfers - Another Craft left half done

How could you not love this picture?

Kim's babysitter took this of Charley, and as soon as I saw it,
I knew I had to do more than simply print it out,
so I transferred it to wood.

Here's the end result:

It's flipped, but I love it!
It greets everyone as they come into our house.

For the record, I have about five other wood transfer projects half completed,
but since I finished one, I thought I'd take this quick victory lap around my blog.

June 2013 - A retrospective

I have stepped away from the business of blogging,
as I have done so many times before, but there is such a chasm
of time between now and then
that I am racking my brain and trolling my old e-mails to see
if I can gain some insight on where we were, collectively, 2 summers ago...

It was our very last month at the Co-op!
We were there for two formative, fulfilling, nurturing and draining years.
For the unfamiliar, a co-op is a preschool run by parents.  There are teachers, but a great deal of work is done by the parents.  The school "welcomes" tagalongs, but by the end of our time there, we had two tagalongs.  Nola was the one enrolled in school (along with her giant bow), 
Payton was attached to my ankle (often in her own state of 2-year old turmoil), 
and Charley was on my chest (often nursing & weighing a lot), 
while I washed dishes at school & neglected the pile of dirty dishes in my own sink.

It was time to go.  
I loved it for all that I learned about parenting.
I loved the other families, but I also love being able to drop my girls off at school
and wash my own dishes each morning.

Charley has a healthy heart!
It was about this time (I honestly can't remember the exact month), but our sweet baby girl got the all clear from Dr. Leong!  To refresh: She was born with a condition known as Premature Atrial Contraction (PAC), which our doctor projected would clear up by early adolescence, 
and in classic Akl lady fashion, Charley decided she didn't want to wait that long,
and it cleared up by her fifth month!

Payton has clothes on!
And then she doesn't...

Honestly, I had two pictures of her for this whole month with clothes on,
and this cute one with her felt snake was the only one in focus.

Love these girls.
Love all that they've taught me.
But I also love where we are today and tomorrow.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Summer, Summer, Summerland

We had a mini-reunion with some sweet friends from college
and their even sweeter progeny.

Kama's girls are in purple, the other two blondies are Erin's,
and you might recognize Nola (in yellow).

Two-thirds of the kids missing in this picture were our youngest.
Sadly, I didn't get any great pics of them, but I'm sure we'll be back there soon
(thanks, Aunt Jaimee, for letting us crash your pad!)