Sunday, October 11, 2015

First Grade Scholar!

Nola LOVES First Grade!
She's reading all sorts of books,
learning all sorts of cool facts,
and earning a pretty sweet award!
She was chosen as
"The First Grade Scholar"
for the month of September!

Great job, Nola!
We are ALL so PROUD of YOU!

It was The Best of Swingsets. It was the Worst of Swingsets.

This Spring we splurged on a gently-used vinyl-clad
swingset from Craigslist.
It was a thing of joy.

It had forts for hunkering down...

A sweet slide...

A perfect trio of swinging toys...

And lots and lots of smiles.

We thought we had found the PERFECT toy!
And it was -
for about a month -
until our sweet, tenacious Payton
fell from the highest fort, and broke her leg!
Here's her X-ray from that same day.
She had a spiral fracture in her left femur.

We took her to our local hospital, 
and they had to transport her to the County Hospital
where they can handle trauma.

What a scary, scary night!

They checked her from head to toe,
and she only hurt her leg.

We had friends who helped out, 
ease our journey through the hospital system,
and her surgeons were very wise and handled 
our precious Payton with great care.
Dr. Early put two tiny rods through her bone,
called intramedullary rods, 

which held her leg together
as an internal splint.

She came home in a wheelchair,
and spent a few weeks wheeling around in it,
but it didn't take long for her to be out and about again...

Even suggesting we keep the doomed swingset around a little while longer...

Okay, Pay Pay, We'll keep that darned thing,
but we will require that you use it according to the rules,
and if you don't we'll have to package you up in bubble wrap 
before you go out to play.

We love you, and are grateful you healed so quickly!

As for the swingset...
I'm thinking Craigslist may be in your future at some point.
Nothing personal.

As for the metal rods...

They eventually became 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Student of the Month

I can't believe the cuteness
or the pride that we feel as her parents.
Nola is student of the month in her Kindergarten class,
and can we just say, "Woo-hoo!"

She's an awesome daughter,
big sister,
just an awesome girl.

We are proud of you, Nola!

Love, Mom and Dad