Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More very important baby preparation

So, I have bags and bags of onesies and dresses too small to imagine being draped over a living, breathing human being. I've been holding off on washing them (with our *first* jug of Dreft), as we've been holding out for a lifetime supply of baby hangers I ordered on ebay. Well, they just came today, which means I've got start washing the itsy bitsy clothing... and I can't continue to troll my i-tunes for songs that have some ironic reference to laboring and delivering (I am open to all suggestions, by the way.)

To distract ourselves from tiny-clothing-hanging duties, and enjoy the homestretch of pregnancy, we decided to make a belly cast of Nola's uterine domecile. I fear it's a tad indecent, but decided to post our belly cast picture anyway. Tell me if it needs censorship bars or pasties. I guess the question now is, where the heck do we put this thing in our little home?

We're off to register with the hospital, and to go on a little tour of the maternity ward! I'm sure I'll have the boring details ready to post tomorrow.


  1. I love the fact that you are blogging! I can't wait to see this little baby girl! She's going to be adorable. . .hang in there! Not long now-

    And in regards to the belly cast, if you get tired of it, you can always flip it over and use it as a chip/dip/dip bowl for your next party. Just a suggestion. . .

  2. I too LOVE that you are blogging! It's so nice to "hear" your voice. I'm so excited for you and Nick and I can't wait to read all about your birthing "story" and see pics of that beautiful baby girl of yours.

    As for the belly cast, that is just plain hilarous... and kinda cool too. So much for photos of prego Mom, Nola will one day get to see for real what your belly looked like with her inside.
