Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Various States of Dress and Undress

Nola is three.
She is in Preschool,
and does she ever have an opinion about what she's going to wear each day.
I thought I'd share this outfit from earlier this week,
as it was particularly unique.
You can't really see the purple hair extension she's been wearing for about a week now,
but it's there (and, as a side note, she fully earned it as she is OFFICIALLY potty trained).
What you can see is her Jessie doll 
(one of the other incentives we've been dangling over her head during potty training --
I'm sure more of these "rewards" will be popping up in upcoming blogposts).

Funny thing about her strong opinion in her attire at school,
is that Nola actually disrobed (down to underwear) the first two days of school
during dress-ups, and stripping is something we've really been working on with the girls,
trying to teach them that nudity isn't something that you can just do anywhere --
a tough concept, as they are nearly nude most of the time --
especially in our backyard, during the heat of the summer.

To demonstrate my point, this is a fairly common outfit of choice for Payton.

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