Monday, November 5, 2012

Getting Crafty this Fall

Heading into the last trimester of pregnancy, I've officially started nesting.  And by nesting, I mean crafting. My craftsmanship leaves something to be desired, but it doesn't really stop me from getting out the glue gun and getting to work.  Here are a couple of the October projects that I wanted to share:
Pottery Barn Countdown Calendar Knockoff

I got the "how-to" from this site, but have to warn anyone else wanting to embark on this type of project, you will spend way more than the $20 implied by the site, and it will take a really long time.  At least that was the case for me, as anything like this has to be done after the girls go to sleep.  In my case, this calendar was started in late September, and was completed a few days before Halloween. I have a feeling that the average person could probably do it faster and cheaper, but I can't wait to break this calendar out for many Halloweens to come.

 Stuffed Pepper Jack-o-Lanterns, pre-baked
Cooked Jack-o-Lantern

If you hung out in the Akl Household for a couple of weeks, one dinner that you can count on eating would be stuffed peppers.  This month, we decided to carve our peppers into mini Jack-o-Lanterns, and it totally made our routine-twice-a-month-stuffed-pepper-dinner SPOOKTACULAR!

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