Friday, February 28, 2014

Louisiana: Lake Emfred

There's something special about Louisiana.
There are lots of things I don't miss --
primarily the humidity and the mosquitoes,
but I want for my girls to grow up knowing
about all of the beauty, culture and charm that are unique to Louisiana.
Nola and Rhys throwing rocks off of the same docks we used to fish off of as kids.
My mom and dad still live there (when they're not out in California), 
as do my sister and her three kids: Declan, Emma, and Rhys.
We decided to pay them a very long visit this Spring,
and we had such a wonderful time!

Papa helping Nola on the monkey bars near the lake.

I could easily tow this load several miles each day.
Not only is the cuteness level enough to lighten the burden,
but the load sure does feel lighter when there are no hills --
and it's February, so no humidity or mosquitoes!

Papa photobombing Charley's swing time

No photobomb here!  
Nola and Payton welcome him over, as long as he does all the hard work.

We loved Lake Emfred and the park,
but most especially, we loved going with our family.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Charley's One!

My mom: What are you going to do for Charley's Birthday?
Me: Oh, probably nothing.
My mom: Why don't you all come up here?

(In fairness to me, Nola just got over pneumonia, 
and we just started a massive project on the house)

I promise, I did not intend to shirk my mommy duties, Charley,
but I have to hand it to your Nonnie and Aunties,
because if not for them,
your birthday would have consisted of a cupcake 
and a shaky i-phone picture commemorating it.

Instead, we have a "Charley's One!" Bug-themed birthday
with cousins, signs, grab bags and all the necessary awesomeness
that makes any old event a Nonnie-sponsored one.

Thank you all for the awesome giraffe!
It only took two-hours for my sisters to confiscate it,
which tells me it's a prized possession!

The only reason Charley would pass up any food
is if it had a gigantic bug on it.

We managed to move past that pretty quickly.

And even found some room for petri dish jello slime!
