Friday, July 24, 2009

Fat baby, fat mama

So, Nick and I went in for a fetal non-stress test this morning, and Nola looked great -- she passed with flying colors. However, we are one week over our due date, so the doctor compromised with us (we desperately want to go into labor naturally) that we would induced Monday night, if she doesn't come naturally over the weekend.

Fair enough; however, he did want for us to see the grumpy ultrasound technician one more time before heading home. So we did, and of course, he enjoyed raining on our parade.

The grumpy technician's report is that she has plenty of amniotic fluid, but she is a big, big baby. Anyhow, he estimated her weight to be 10 pounds 8 ounces, stating that there is a plus or minus one pound standard deviation. Again, we did our little plus or minus dance, when he said, "She could be 11 pounds 8 ounces." To which I replied, "...or 9 pounds 8 ounces?" To which he gruffly laughed and said, "Unlikely." He then told us to stay put while he called the doctor to report his findings.

Anyhow, Nick and I are going to the doctor's office right away to see what our options are. I thought we'd just take a minute to post this info -- just in case we get stuck in Ventura delivering our big baby.

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