Thursday, November 21, 2013

Moving in to the Back 40

When we bought our house, we got a deal.
It was a dipped market, and our house was underpriced,
but there were some obstacles to overcome.
The greatest of these obstacles had to be our back hill.
It's really steep.
I have to physically and emotionally prepare myself
each time I decide to get up there.

So, we (read: I convinced Nick who faithfully obliged and) 
decided to build destinations worth visiting.

Last Spring, Nick built me a dream potager garden,
which today looks like this:
Thank you, Nick!

On the other side of the hill, we had some rail-road tie raised beds,
which were overrun with blackberries and spider-webs,
and we converted into this:

We love it!  The story of getting to this is kind of crazy,
but we neither want to disparage or endorse the greenhouse company,
so if you want to whole story, either call me
or swing by and share a few drinks, 
and I'll be happy to dish the dirt!

The very warm, very fertile, green-house dirt, that is.

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