Monday, September 21, 2009

Geaux Saints!

Nick, Nola and I are so excited about the Saints season kicking off to a stellar start. Here we have a picture of little Miss Nola in a Drew Brees' jersey that her Auntie Jaimee gave her.

While we're only two games into the season, we already have a game-time ritual that we think gives the Saints lots of luck:
  1. The Saints flag is hung before the start of the game.
  2. Nick, Nola, Rocky and I all get our respective jerseys on.
  3. Rocky goes outside to cope with the fact that he has a jersey on.
  4. Mommy feeds and burps Nola.
  5. Nola spits up on her jersey and mommy's.
  6. The Saints win!
So far, we feel that our little game day ritual has been pretty good luck for our beloved team, so we plan on keeping it up throughout the season.

1 comment:

  1. What a great Blog site!! Rather than responding to each post, I think I will just say that the one about Nola and the boobs was hilarious.
    You guys GO !! Can't wait to stop by and introduce ourselves to the new addition.
