Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Nola Reading in Bed
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas Day at the Smith Casa

Auntie Jaimee has been in town for Christmas, so we headed up to the Smith's house for Christmas day. Nick wore his red footie PJs and snuck in from the backyard to surprise Kim and Taylor's kiddos as a younger, darker (and in my opinion, much hotter) Santa. Their littlest one was terrified. Reportedly the whole concept of Santa Claus scared her, but she was pretty wary of Nick the rest of the day.
Aunt Kim tried to introduce "Frosty the Snowman" to Nola, but it had about the same impact on her that "Saint Nick" had on Kim's kiddos.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Starting Solids
O Christmas Tree
Rally Caps
Our dear and wonderful Saints have pulled out 12 wins so far this season, and we couldn't be happier. Of course, this picture doesn't conjure up the joy that the season has given us, as it was taken during last week's nail-biter against the Redskins. We barely squeaked out of that one, and we know it couldn't have been done, had it not been for our rally caps.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Backing up my Laptop

Poor Nick... I had to use a pubescent photo of him, because ever since he could grow facial hair, he's had it, and the software program that generates the images of your offspring wouldn't recognize a face with a beard. Boy, were we relieved when Nola was born without a little jewfro.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
What We're Thankful for
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Things to Do While Avoiding the Flu
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Nola Babbling
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Nola Sits up... kind of
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Camping In
Friday, October 16, 2009
Nola and Her New BFF, the Creepy Puppet
Monday, October 12, 2009
Our Little Pumpkin
Nola's First Big Outings... and a Library Book to Boot!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Getting Out of the House, Part Two
- The mountain lion that two neighbors saw scoping out our garage from the driveway.
- The bear paw prints leading from the woods (and a torn apart trash can) to Nick's truck.
- The deer that kicked Nick. I suppose this particular scenario needs some explanation: There are deer all over the neighborhood, and we do encounter them on an almost daily basis. One evening, about a year ago, Nick and I were watching The Office, and he had to run out to park his car up the street during commercial break. It took him longer than usual to come back from parking the car, and the show had already resumed. Nick comes limping in from outside, rubbing his shin, and excitedly asking, "What did I miss?" Of course, I ask him, "What happened?" to which he replies, "Oh, I was kicked by a deer." Apparently my husband tried to sneak up behind one of the deer who graze in our neighborhood with the innocent intention of petting it. Needless to say, the deer was not interested.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Getting Out of the House, Part One
Monday, September 21, 2009
Geaux Saints!
- The Saints flag is hung before the start of the game.
- Nick, Nola, Rocky and I all get our respective jerseys on.
- Rocky goes outside to cope with the fact that he has a jersey on.
- Mommy feeds and burps Nola.
- Nola spits up on her jersey and mommy's.
- The Saints win!
Friday, September 4, 2009
My Breast Friend
Thursday, September 3, 2009
After Birth
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Co-sleepless Nights
- Putting on a onesie doesn't have to take two and a half hours -- although, it usually seems to when I'm involved in the process.
- Saving an umbilical cord SOUNDS a lot cooler than it actually is.
- Not every cry is gas or hunger -- sometimes Nola seems to be protesting the fact that Nick and I are really inexperienced at this whole parenting thing... but I think she knows that we're working really hard on it!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Akls = 1, Grumpy Ultrasound Technician = 0

Friday, July 24, 2009
We're having a C-section

So our doctor agreed with the tech: We have a big baby, and ultimately urged us to schedule a C-section, to avoid any risk. Our somber car ride back from the Dr.'s office included this sad conversation:
Me: (stifling sobs in the passenger seat) The only way I know how to show love to things is to make them fat. I made Nola fat. (All the while, by the way, my tear-filled eyes are riveted on the "In & Out Burger" as we pass it on the way home.)
Nick: (driving, while trying to comfort me) Don't be silly. What do you mean?
Me: (whimpering now) Just look at Sid (our very fat cat). Everytime he comes to me I give him a can of food - sometimes four a day. If I were Rocky's only owner (Rocky, our very lean dog, thanks to Nick), he would be obese because of all the junk I feed him. (sniffle, sniffle)
Nick: Oh, don't be silly. Nola is very loved, and you don't use food to show love. She will be just fine.
Me: (sniffle) Thank you, baby. (wipes eyes, and takes deep breath) So, do you want pick up something to eat?
Even though we know that this is the best decision for our baby, I think both Nick and I have had this image in our mind that we would have a cartoony-frantic-running-to-the-hospital-in-the-middle-of-the-night-because-the-water-broke type of experience, and now we just now we won't.
So, for now, unless we go into labor, and have to rush in for a C-section over the weekend, we are scheduled to deliver at 7:30 am on Tuesday, July 28. Our little (scratch that: BIG) Nola will share a birthday with her Aunt Allyson!
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers that morning. We post any changes in the plan, should they occur!
Fat baby, fat mama

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Fashionably Late
We finally got the crib in (bottom right), and it's not so matchy-matchy with the rest of the space, which is kind of a bummer, but it's a nice big crib that will eventually convert into a toddler bed and finally a frame for a double bed. I hope that the lack of a matching crib isn't what's keeping Nola from emerging; however, if that were the case it would confirm that she has indeed inherited a sense of style far beyond her parents
If you see anything missing from the nursery setup, let me know, as maybe that's the thing she's waiting for. Perhaps she's just fearful that she won't get the constant supply of ice cream that she's currently receiving. Either way, we'll keep you all posted on her arrival. Whenever she chooses to come.
Friday, July 17, 2009
...And we wait
I laughed, thinking that there was no way that this baby will be late. I was wrong. She does have my genes in her afterall, so being late should be expected.
The due date came and went (it was Wednesday) -- and now we wait. I have no exciting pictures to upload, unless of course you would like to see some footage of me watching the "Golden Girls." My dad flew home, while my mom is still out here, spending time with Kim's kids and calling me at least once a day with concerns such as this ditty:
"Hi Kris, this is mother. I just wanted to let you know that if you feel like you've wet the bed during the night, that may not be pee, it actually may be your water breaking, so you need to get up and go to the hospital in case that happens."
Well, our hospital bags have been packed for two weeks now -- just in case I wet the bed one of these nights.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Nola in 3D
So our normally disgruntled ultrasound technician (we've seen him twice now, for a heartbeat and gender check) was unusually chipper the day we came in - paying - for our 3D ultrasound. He gave us a good 25 minutes worth of video, when our package only covered 15 minutes or so. This is a little segment within the ultrasound video in which Nola is playing coy with us, the paparazzi.
She looks so squishy. She's orange, too -- but that all seems to go with being a little celebrity these days.
I can't wait to play with her little dimpled fingers.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hospital Tour de Force
- CMH has something called Kangaroo Care, which we're really excited about, and will explain momentarily.
- Are teenage pregnancy statistics on the rise? Half of our tour had to be high school-aged girls.
- It's probably best that Nick and I were never in school together.
First, we'll focus on the good news: Kangaroo Care. Basically, rather than be sucked, smacked, sanitized and swaddled before Nick and I would have a chance to hold her, the hospital puts her in direct contact with you for a good hour or so before all of the check-ups. We are very excited about that... especially because it's being true to the tenets of the Bradley Method we learned about over the past few months... most of which I'm not going to miss once that epidural starts dripping. Sorry, Dr. Bradley, I don't think I want to feel the experience of childbirth.
Other than the Kangaroo Care, the only noteable observation from our hospital tour is the high number of pregnant teenagers who were there. We probably had 8 - 10 waddling ladies on the tour, and 4 or 5 of them appeared to be under 20. Maybe I'm just getting old, and everyone is starting to look young to me, but a few of them were with their moms. On a positive note, it does seem that they've timed their pregnancies to deliver in the summer -- so as to not interfere with their studies, I assume? So, we could have some very smart young ladies who are passing these very smart genes and commitment to education on to the next generation.
Lastly, for the past few years, Nick and I have been going to classes to teach us how to best approach the next big step in our life. We took dancing classes prior to our wedding, premarital counseling, dog obedience classes and, of course, our recent Bradley Method class. During our hospital tour, it became evident to me that we may be at the end of our co-ed rope. Basically, this is due to the fact that I am one of those very annoying questioners who decides to prolong the agony of the entire class with lots and lots of questions that pertain solely to my situation. Nick, on the other hand, is one of those students who likes to get through something with very minimal interaction and attention from the instructor. I like a lot of eye contact from the teacher -- and affirmation that I am doing well as a student -- even if it's an hour-long hospital tour. Nick, realizing that he's stuck with me, and knowing by now that I'm going to do this at every single class that we attend, has started finding seats that fall right behind a fairly large person (not tough to do during our maternity classes) so that he can comfortably check his e-mail on his Blackberry.
Nonetheless, I'm signing us up for an Infant-Child CPR class to ensure that we're equipped for the next step.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
More very important baby preparation
To distract ourselves from tiny-clothing-hanging duties, and enjoy the homestretch of pregnancy, we decided to make a belly cast of Nola's uterine domecile. I fear it's a tad indecent, but decided to post our belly cast picture anyway. Tell me if it needs censorship bars or pasties. I guess the question now is, where the heck do we put this thing in our little home?
We're off to register with the hospital, and to go on a little tour of the maternity ward! I'm sure I'll have the boring details ready to post tomorrow.
Adding twigs to our nest
Thank you to Kim and Carole, Nola's aunties, who have little girls of their own -- both under two -- and have been so generous with baby supplies and clothing. Thank you to Melissa, our dear friend, who just delivered her little boy right before we found out we were pregnant -- she probably saved us thousands of dollars in maternity clothing alone. We've had neighbors and coworkers who have brought by bags and bags of baby gear. We are so grateful to you all!
I just came back down from my sister Kim's house, and got to hang out with her little ones while talking about labor pains with their mommy. I got to stay with them during our major flooring
Labor day is looming, and I'm filling my time with very important details, like making a "Labor & Delivery" mix, as per a discussion from our birthing class. So far we've got a pretty discordant mix of peppy "pushing" songs (i.e., "Push It" by Salt N Pepa) and lullaby-type ballads to little girls (not in the creepy Pete Townshend sense, but in the "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder sort of way). So far we have enough songs to cover about 50 minutes of labor -- which is about the average length of your first delivery, right?
Oh boy, we certainly don't know what's in store for us -- despite the sage advice of those who have been there before us; however, we'll have really good music to listen to while we figure it all out.